"The ox became sorrow, the lion; darkness, and the eagle; terror... Death came swiftly for those who would oppose Satan and his ultimate abominations; the Juggernauts. One juggernaut in particular known as Malach the Destroyer was Satan's chief lieutenant. Eons ago he was once known as the Messenger of Death. In the Almighty's court, Malach was tasked with bringing the souls of the departed into the light. But; on one fateful day he chose to turn away from the Almighty's light. He fell from grace with eleven of his brothers, chief among them Satan. As they fell deeper and deeper into the dark abyss, they became grotesque and disfigured. They cut and maimed themselves first, then they learned to cut and maim others, until the legion of Satan was a thousand times a thousand fold and growing. And this is how it was for many a millennium; the battle between light and dark raged.....
Until the day when Malach the Destroyer longed to feel the glory of God's eternal light upon his face once again. The juggernaut fought and clawed his way out of the circles of hell facing legion after legion of demons, betrayers, hexters and his fallen brothers. He battled and bled black until he erupted onto the surface of the living world. The Almighty saw him there, broken, beaten and bruised and took pity on him. The Almighty sent Uriel, the "Bringer of Light and Wayfinder of Destiny," to meet Malach. With Uriel's touch, and the power of God, Malach's wounds were healed. The Almighty, all forgiving God, offered peace, light and forgiveness to Malach. But, these things would not be given freely as God would have done for mankind. No, for Malach they would have to be earned. Malach would have to redeem himself in the eyes of both his brothers and his Creator. Malach willingly and enthusiastically accepted God's terms. Malach would become "The Redeemer." His new task, redeeming those who have fallen from God's grace and fighting the corruption of Satan, wiping it from the face of the Earth, one good deed at a time. For each good deed done the juggernaut would earn a golden feather, until the day when he would be complete again, spread his wings, and fly to the heavens from whence he fell so many eons ago.
And so, with the God's light, and weapons forged from indestructible obsidian, Malach wages war on the minions of Satan, saving as many souls as he can, and possibly gaining one himself....
I know what your thinking.... You read this little story and you think "This guy is nuts!" Well, that may be true, but it's okay... Nutty people come up with the best ideas.. i.e. Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Michelangelo, and especially Leonardo Di Vinci, just to name a few.. So "HA!" Take that...
Anyway, This is my final entry for the Superhero design competition that is being hosted by Smithmicro, maker of one of the finest drawing software packages that I have had the pleasure to play with. Wish me luck world!