Friday, April 6, 2012

A New Sith Lord

I call him simply "Battle."  At 7 feet and 3 inches tall he is giant, and a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield of the "Old Republic."  His talents lie in brute force and aggressive styles of combat that overwhelm his opponents from the moment their blades become entangled.  His force abilities are focused on forseeing the future, anticipating the moves of his opponents and other defensive measures while he relies on his skill with blade and other weapons to bring his opponents to their knees...

Anyway, here's the latest creation from The Workshop!  Here we have the initial rough sketch and concept of what he will look like.  Typically the sketch is refined to higher quality, with multiple layers, but the initial blue sketch layer was used for the purposes of this display.

The following image shows how the black ink begins to take shape and the character becomes more and more refined. A different kind of weapon was invisioned for this guy.  He will wield the typical lightsaber, but his primary weapon will be a morning star.  Oh but this won't be just any kind of morning star, no siree bob!  Instead of the spikes that would typically surround the weighted ball at the striking end of the weapon, this one will have about a dozen or so "mini" light sabers protruding out of the striking end!  Pretty badass huh? 
Eventually the line work will be completed and the shading process will begin, but that won't be for another month or so, so stay tuned!

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