Tuesday, December 27, 2011


I am truly sad...  Here I sit wishing that I was at home with my wife and boy.  Two days have now passed since Christmas day, and what a Christmas it was this year!  My boy, all of eighteen months old, summed it up very nicely, in one word...  "WOW!"  That is what he said when he woke up Christmas morning and we went to check out the tree and see what Santa Claus (a.k.a. Ho Ho, in the McCaffrey household) had brought him.  That was a pivotal moment in my life, made simply by my little boy uttering that one little word...  "WOW!"  Wow indeed is all I can say.  I will let the pictures do the talking from here on out.  All I can say is, what a day! 

Please visit the Link located to the right, or click here to visit our Christmas Page....

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Face You Can Fall in Love with...

Now this is the face of an angel...  Kudos to Kim for coming up with the poetic wording...

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Halloween Fun During Christmas???!!!

I know what your thinking.... Halloween pictures in the middle of December??!!  Well, sadly, I'm just getting around to posting these....  and the video below...  I hate that I missed his Halloween this year...  The boy looks like he had a ball!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Updates to the Site!

This week I have really been trying to get back on this blog and add some new stuff.  Today I loaded up a new link to Planet Photoshop.  This site offers Photoshop tutorials that are free and require minimum bandwidth to run.  Basically this guy, Corey Barker, runs you through a series of "how to's" on creating neat special effects, text, 3-D applications, lighting..... YOU NAME IT!  The tutorials are simple screen capture recordings of him actually running through the artwork on his computer.  I also like how he makes the lessons user friendly for Mac or PC users.  This guy is the guru of Photoshop as far as I am concerned and I have learned a lot.  Check out the link at the bottom of the site or go here.  www.planetphotoshop.com

If you look closely, you will also notice that i loaded up some new links to some of my favorite bands and their Youtube Channels.  Ironically, I owe the artwork for the banners to some of Corey's lessons on Planet Photoshop.  By pulling images and logos off of the web, I was able to piece together the concepts that are shown on the site, manipulate them, add some fancy text and effects and..... well scroll down and you will see the results.  Oh, and check out the bands while your down that way...

Thursday, December 8, 2011

A Father and Son kinda Weekend!

I had the best weekend with my boy!  It was our first father and son weekend alone, just the two of us.  We sure did miss Mommy, but we had a blast.  And I think that Mommy had a blast during her weekend off.  Noah was a good boy too.  He minded me very well for the most part, even when he was a sleepy boy.  He is such a good boy.  Kim and I are so lucky.... No, not lucky so much as "blessed."  This boy is a blessing.  I never thought that I could love or feel this way about another human being.  It is an amazing feeling to walk in his room at night to make sure he is tucked in and just watch him.  (I wish I could sleep that well, without a care in the world except my next ba ba, my next poo, or who is going to change that poo.. Ha Ha!)  I think my favorite part of the day is in the morning, when you first hear him rustling around in his room, and then, all of a sudden you hear, "Ma............ma! Ma........ma!  MA...MA!" Slowly progressing quicker and louder.  Then, sometimes you will hear, "Day.....day!  Day...day!  DAY..DAY!" in the same progression.  I just love that!  Its the best way to start the day.  Christmas is coming soon, and this boy, as far as I'm concerned, is a good boy and is gonna be tops on Santa's list!