Saturday, November 12, 2011

My First Post

Greetings and salutations to the rest of the world!  This is my first post on my new Blog.  I have been looking for a blog site for quite a while now and I have finally found what looks to be a really good one.  I am excited to see what my beautiful wife, family and others have to say about my topics and interests.  I plan to make this blog both professional and personal, which ought to make for some interesting comments and discussion.  A couple of things that I plan to talk about a lot of is family life and stories from what I have come to call  "The Cube Farm."  You will learn more about this later, but suffice to say, I plan to share some interesting and fun stories from my work life in the service of our government.

For those who stumble upon my site from the outside world, I hope that I can provide stories and information that you will find fun or even useful.  Cooking, art and design, computers and software, gardening, landscape architecture, graphic design and Photoshop will also come into play here.  I also plan to set up a portfolio of works so that everyone can see examples of Photoshop works, graphic design and my landscape stuff. 

Hopefully, over time, "The Workshop" will become the place to visit for a variety of people, with a variety of interests and ideas....




  1. Hello Fellow Shopster! I can not wait to be a part of your workshop. You always know how to brighten my day. I know this blog will bring a smile to my face!

    Ps. You are an artist of many trades. You have a natural knack for art. Your abilites can not be learned. I am can not wait to see what you have in store for us in your workshop!

  2. Thank you dear... Your a sweetheart! This is fun. We should've done this years ago!

  3. I Love you baby. Lets go check on Noah. Then go cuddle in bed,and watch some Frasier...
