Friday, February 28, 2014

The First Addition of the New Genre is Complete!

Here it is, the first of the next series of drawings that I will be adding to my collection....

Click on the image to enlarge.  The resolution is set at 1920 x 1200.  This is how I have my monitors oriented at work, so thats why they are all set to portrait this way.  Feel free to save it and print it out if you want.  You can also check me out on Pinterest, I spend more time there than I do anywhere else.  Also, check out my portfolio page at the link to the right to see more of my work!

As always, Enjoy!


Monday, February 24, 2014

A New Genre for the New Year

Well, I have been drawing Star Wars stuff for all these years.  I'm a little tired of it.  So I'm moving on to my other obsession.....  The Mass Effect Universe!  Below is my first attempt at doing such.

This is still a work in progress, but you get the gist of what is happening.  Say hello to Berserker Squad.  They are sporting the all new Medusa armor, capable of point defense protection with omni shields that generate based on threat assessment.  The technology was stolen and re-engineered from the Reapers.  The helmet tentacles constantly survey their surroundings in real time 360 degree panorama, generating the threat assessments, target acquisition, and targeting heads-up display.  Other features include the omni-rapier, which is a 1 meter long omni blade geared towards slicing and ripping opponents apart.  

These guys take it another step beyond N7 and Spectre!